Therapeutic and classical massage for health
Massage is one of the oldest methods of physical medicine in which a dosed mechanical effect on the human body takes place. Therapeutic massage for therapeutic or preventive purposes is performed both manually and with special equipment.
Massage for preventive purposes is recommended for all healthy people.
Therapeutic massage is recommended in the following cases:
- slowed lymph return and blood circulation, oedema;
- loss of concentration;
- after soft tissue injuries;
- sprains of muscles and ligaments, post-traumatic joint contractures;
- deforming spondylosis, flat feet, postural disturbances and weakness;
- osteochondrosis of intervertebral discs;
- radiculitis caused by degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs;
- migraine, neuralgia;
- vibration sickness;
- sleep disorders;
- impaired bowel function;
- increased muscle excitability, etc.
Prophylactic massage has the following effect:
- renewed working abilities in conditions of mental and physical fatigue;
- reduced fatigue;
- improved well-being;
- improved sleep quality.
Massage effect zones: legs, arms, back, collar, chest, abdomen, head, feet.
Duration of the course: 8-10 sessions.
After the procedure, it is recommended to pay attention to the amount of liquid taken (on average 1 l for every 30 kg of weight).
- pregnancy;
- progressive glaucoma;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- kidney failure;
- acute dermatological diseases;
- fever;
- varicose veins;
- haemophilia;
- oncology.
Prices for “4. Dimensija” services
Body treatment
Therapeutic (manual) massages and manipulations
Abu roku masāža
27.00 €
Galvas, apkakles zonas un plecu masāža 60 min
45.00 €
General massage (60 min)
35.00 €
Krūšu kurvja masāža (30 min)
35.00 €
Abu kāju masāža (45 min)
45.00 €
Vispārējā masāža (1.20 - 1.30 h)
75.00 €
Vispārējā manuālā (roku) limfodrenāža 40-90 min
42.00-80.00 €
Abu roku un muguras masāža 1h
50.00 €
Krustu-jostas zonu masāža 20 min
25.00 €
Abu kāju un muguras masāža
60.00 €
Abu roku un apkakles masāža
45.00 €
Apkakles zonas masāža 30 min
30.00 €