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Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is currently the most effective and modern method to get rid of excess hair in the long term. The constant development of technologies ensures the effectiveness of the procedure regardless of the customer's skin and hair type. During laser epilation, hair follicles are destroyed with a strong light beam – hair growth becomes significantly slower, their structure becomes thinner. The biggest advantage of laser hair removal is the long-lasting effect.

Laser hair removal is an investment that pays off. After a correctly performed laser epilation course, hairs grow back very slowly or practically not at all, and the maintenance procedure, depending on the individual factors of each customer, is required only 1-2 times a year or even less often.


  • no risk of inflammation or ingrown hairs;
  • cosmetically therapeutic effect – laser hair removal helps to prevent rashes caused by waxing (for example, in the bikini area);
  • can be done at any time of the year;
  • long lasting effect;
  • economy of time.

Areas of influence:

  • face (chin, upper lip);
  • chest;
  • legs;
  • arms;
  • back;
  • armpits;
  • bikini area.

Heat and a tingling sensation are felt during laser hair removal.

In the 4. Dimensija clinic, laser hair removal is performed with several latest generation equipment – alexandrite lasers (DEKA "Again", Clarity Lutonic and Soprano Titanium), whose operating principles allow the specialist to choose the most suitable type of laser hair removal for each customer.

Attention customers!

"Veselības centrs 4" continuously follows the development of medical technology and purchases the most modern medical equipment only from reliable and globally recognized technology manufacturers.

Thanks to modern technology, laser hair removal has become even more painless. It is important to choose a suitable solution for your skin and hair type and to perform the procedure under the supervision of an experienced specialist – a doctor. To determine the suitability of the hair for the procedure, a test is performed during the consultation with the dermatologist.

Course duration:
Full-fledged laser hair removal is a gradual process, as the light destroys only the hair follicles in the growth phase. On average, after four to eight sessions of laser hair removal, the amount of hair decreases significantly, while a noticeable effect is achieved already after the second or third procedure.

The exact number and frequency of procedures depends on the treated area, hormonal level, heredity and hair thickness, hardness and growth rate.

Before laser hair removal, the customer receives a short consultation with a dermatologist.

Before the procedure:

  • do not sunbathe and/or use self-tanning products for at least two weeks before the procedure;
  • waxing or epilation must not be performed for at least one month;
  • one week before the procedure, do not use skin-irritating substances, medications, ointments;
  • the day before the procedure, the selected epilation area must be shaved (including the upper lip);
  • laser hair removal is performed on clean skin that is not smeared with body cream/lotion. 

After laser hair removal:

  • do not sunbathe for two weeks;
  • three to five days after the procedure, it is not recommended to perform heat procedures (for example, a sauna). 


  • acute skin diseases;
  • oncology;
  • many large birthmarks and tattoos in the treatment area;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • wounds in the treatment area;
  • use of certain medications and ointments.


Diana Plise

Diana Plise


Egija Vasilišina

Egija Vasilišina

Resident doctor in dermatovenerology

Anastasija  Oša

Anastasija Oša



Prices of laser hair removal services